3 Woodman Parade, Woodman Street, London, E16 2LL 0208-226-4933

Registered Office Address

What is a registered office address?

A registered office address is a legal necessity for every company registered with Companies House in the UK. It is your company's official address and is visible to the public. This address can differ from your actual business location.

Government bodies like Companies House and HMRC will use your registered office address to send crucial correspondence, including statutory letters and legal notices. Additionally, it is a legal obligation for all companies to display their registered office address on official documents and their website.



The benefits of our Registered Office Address

Choosing our Registered Office Address Service offers a multitude of benefits for your business:

  • Prime London Location: Establish a credible business image with a sought-after Central London EC1 address. This prestigious location boosts your company's profile and enhances trust with clients and suppliers.
  • Privacy and Confidentiality: Protect your personal information using our address instead of your home address. Enjoy peace of mind knowing your details are secure.
  • Free Mail Scanning: We scan all mail received at your registered office address free of charge. Stay informed and control your essential correspondence, no matter where you are.
  • Cost-Effective Solution: Access all these benefits at an affordable price of just £15.00 per month.

Key Features:

  • Central London EC1 Address
  • Free Mail Scanning
  • Privacy Protection
  • Enhanced Business Image
  • Affordable Pricing

Important Notes:

  • This service is for one company only. If you have multiple businesses, you'll need to purchase the service for each one.


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Certified Accountants Ltd is a professional accountancy practice registered in England and Wales with registered company number 07893838.

We are a professional accountancy practice serving clients all over England and Wales through our online service options which make our services accessible countrywide.

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3 Woodman Parade
Woodman Street

E16 2LL



Mo-Fr: 9.00AM - 5.00PM


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